[:ja]エアチャイナで修行決定。札幌ークアラルンプール線を予約しました[:en][AirChina Sale] Sapporo-Kuala Lumpur route with only 71,900yen[:]



今年はスター・アライアンスのSFC修行に挑戦しようと思っています。 お正月は先輩方のノウハウを盗むべく、こたつでネットサーフィンに勤しみました。 最近の流行はエアチャイナ(中国国際航空)のビジネスクラスを利用した修行のようです。先輩方の旅行記はとても勉強になります。ビジネスクラスは高嶺の花だと思っていましたが、エアチャイナはかなり安いらしいのです。 特に割安なのがシンガポールやクアラルンプールの路線。 フルフラットシートで往復してお値段なんと約8万円。 これで1万PPちかくも稼げるとか!お値段以上のニトリ...


今回予約したのは札幌(新千歳)ークアラルンプール線です。 札幌からはエアアジアの直行便が飛んでいますが、今回は修行の関係上、北京を経由します。 すこし遠回りをする代わりにビジネスクラスに乗ることが出来ます。 いつもであればビジネスクラスは12万円以上かかるところが、今回のセールではなんと7万円台で購入することが出来ました。


下記が今回予約した運賃の明細です。 セール運賃は62,000円ですが、これにサーチャージや税金などの諸費用9,900円を加算して合計71,900円でした。
行きは北京で長い乗り継ぎ時間があり、所要時間はなんと33時間30分です。 千歳から北京まではB737-800の狭いシートです。




トップページの右上に国旗のアイコンがありますが、こちらから中国本社に切り替えが出来ます。 中国本社の英語ページから「Self service」→「Request for Exclusive Services」と進みます。
「E-ticket number」とパスポート番号を入れると自分の予約記録に基づいたサービス画面が現れます。
「Value-add Services」という画面で左側の「Transit Hotel」と書かれたベッドのマークのボタンを押します。 「FREE」と書かれたベッドボタンを押すと、北京空港のトランジットホテルが3つ表示されました。

Beijing Aulympic Airport Hotel Hotel Address: Location:Located on Xiaotianzhu Road in the Aozhuyuan, Airport Residential Area, the hotel is near the Capital Airport Expressway for easy access from downtown. It is a short 10 minute drive from Terminal 3. Services:No.36 Xiaotianzhu Road, Shunyi District, Beijing
Beijing Airport Lanwan International Hotel Hotel Address: Location:Located on Tianzhu East Road, the hotel is close to the Airport Industrial Development Zone, Beijing Capital International Airport and China International Exhibition Center (new facility) and is easily accessible by roads. Services:22 Tianzhu East Road, Tianzhu, Shunyi District, Beijing
Beijing Airport Yuanhang International Hotel Hotel Address: Location:Located to the south of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 of Beijing Capital International Airport and west of Terminal 3, the hotel is close to the Airport Industrial Development Zone. It provides free transfers to and from the airport and is easily accessible by subway and Airport Rail. Services:1 Qianer Street,Tianzhufu, Shunyi District (close to Airport Highway)

先方から指定されたホテルはこちらでした。 ホテル名はBeijing Aulympic Airport Hotelとあります。
きっと航空会社ならば年間契約でもっと安く調達しているでしょう。 しかし無料ならば文句は言えません。

初日に北京に着いてから翌日のクアラルンプール便の出発までまる一日ありますので、北京市内をすこし観光できるかもしれません。 PM2.5の汚染度がどれくらいのものか、興味津々です。


今回の予約でクレジットカードの決済画面から最終確認をするときにこの表示が現れました。 真ん中にクマのキャラクターが現れて、「ボタンに触れてボールを回転させてください」というのです。
いきなり何なのでしょうか。 一回挑戦したら「もう一度!」と言われ、成功すると「もう一度!」の繰り返し。

5、6回ほどゲームを繰り返したら「Done!」と表示されました。 「ヤレヤレ」と思いつつ「そのままお進みください」に従ったら、予約は全部消えてしまい、なんとトップページに戻ってしまいました。 どういうことなのでしょう。

にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 海外ぶらり旅へ にほんブログ村[:en]I have made a reservation at the “Flying Bird" sale at Air China, which I introduced in the previous article.
The “Flying Bird" sale began from January 20 to 27.

I reserved Air China’s Sapporo (New Chitose) – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia line this time.
There are Air Asia’s direct flights from Sapporo to Kuala Lumpur, which is much convenient for travelers, but this time I choose much harder connecting flight through Beijing, because it is a travel to earn much more miles and ANA PP.

In ordinary season, the business class flight from sapporo to kuala lumpur is at least 120,000 yen, but this time I could buy it at a cost of only 70,000 yen.
If I traveled with ANA, I could not take even an economy class fare.

Only 71,900 yen from Sapporo  to Kuala Lumpur

For those who live in Tokyo or Osaka, the business class of around 70,000 yen is not unusual, but it is the fare that can not be seen the flight from Hokkaido, so the following is the details of the fare which I booked. The fare is 62,000 yen, but we added a total of 71,900 yen, including 9,900 yen for various expenses such as surcharges and taxes, etc. We felt that the costs were unexpectedly high, I will not be able to pay for it. “It is about 120 yen, which is the mysterious fee, and the itinerary is like this: There is a long riding time in Beijing, and the required time is 33 hours and 30 minutes. 

It is a narrow seats of B737-800 from Chitose to Beijing, and a full-flats seat of A330-300 from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur, and the first day of departure can not be done on the same day, so I should stay in Beijing .

Air china offer Free Transit Hotel

As a STPC service, Air China (China International Airline) provides free hospitality services to the passengers at the airport, as well as transportation from the airport to the hotel, also breakfast service at the hotel.
They offer not only business class but also provides for economy passanger.
STPC services is provided at the AirChina connecting flight in Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Tianjin.
To reserve your transit hotel, you can contact with CA call center, but you can book your own reservation on the internet website, if you purchased it from the official homepage, but please note that the reservation is not from the Japanese website, but from the English page of the Chinese headquarters.
You will find a national flag icon on the top right corner of the top page, and you can switch to China headquarters from now on.


From the English page of China Headquarters, go to “Self service" → “Request for Exclusive Services." Enter the E-ticket number and passport number, and the service screen based on your reservation record appears.
Service “button on the left side of the window marked" Transit Hotel “.

When you press the FREE button labeled “FREE", you will see three flight destinations at Beijing Airport.

Beijing Aulympic Airport Hotel Address: Location: Located on the Xiaotianzhu Road, the Aozhuyuan Airport is located in the city center. It is a short 10 minute drive from Terminal 3. Services: No.36 Xiaotianzhu Road, Shunyi District, Beijing
Beijing Airport Lanwan International Hotel Address: Location: Located on Tianzhu East Road, the hotel is close to the Airport Industrial Development Zone, Beijing Capital International Airport and the China International Exhibition Center. Services: 22 Tianzhu East Road, Tianzhu, Shunyi District, Beijing
Beijing Airport Yuanhang International Hotel Address: Beijing Capital International Airport is a 3-star business hotel located in the heart of the city. The airport is only a few steps away from the airport. Services: 1 Qianer Street, Tianzhufu, Shunyi District (close to Airport Highway)

You will not be able to choose your favorite one of the three on the map, as you can see in the photos, and when you proceed with the screen, you will see a message that you have completed the reservation application. You will receive a mail that has been handed over in about 10 minutes from there. 

The name of the hotel I got is the Beijing Aulympic Airport Hotel is a hotel with 3,000 yen per night when you check in with Expedia, it may not be a high-class hotel, and if you are an airline company, you will be purchasing cheaply for an annual contract.
But considering that it is a complimentary service, I would not complain about it.
I will report to you about the hotel again.

The hotel is 3Km from Beijing Capital International Airport and 25Km from the center of Beijing. We will arrive in Beijing on the first day and then depart for the next day’s flight of the next day, I am interested in the pollution level of PM2.5 in Beijing.

Weird Cum Game

I have encountered a strange phenomenon in the homepage of Air China.
This display below appeared when I made a final check from the settlement screen of the credit card.

In the middle of the game, you will see a cartoon character appearing and saying, “Touch the button to rotate the ball."
What will it be like?
If you challenge once, you will say “Once again!" , and if you succeed, you will say “Once again!"
I do not want to play games, but I want to make only flight reservations.

After five or six rounds of the game, “Done!" Was displayed. After completing the game, I was transfered to the top page, and after all the reservations have been dismissed.
It is a site design that can not be thought of with Japanese airline companies.
I wish I would not made a double reservation there.
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